An Ode to Jack the Ripper
In 1888, a gruesome legend came about
A killer who killed women just for kicks
Prostitutes his choice, this remained throughout
One person will decipher how he ticks
In 2007, there was an auction, there for all
In one particular item there was interest
Why, I hear you ask, it is only an old shawl
But for a certain Russell Edwards, it was best
This shawl helped piece together
Gruesome deeds from olden times
And it helped to prove forever
Who was responsible for those crimes
For it unmasked Jack the Ripper
Unprecedented in his day
It gave a foot to fit the slipper
It was Aaron Kosminski in every way
Twas Russell Edwards who unmasked him
But justice for Kominski wasn’t done
He slayed his victims, all were grim
You see, he killed prostitutes for fun
Jack the Ripper still lives on
His story, one that must be told
Tours and speeches to embark upon
For the scared, the brave, the bold
(©) Querky Spike – 2014